please have these ready by 36 weeks for your home visit:
You will be ordering a birth kit from Cascade Health for $58. Please go to this link & order by 33 weeks.
You will also need to gather these supplies. Please have them all together for your home visit by the midwife:
Waterproof mattress cover (or plastic shower curtain) for your bed
Old sheets you don’t care about staining OR white sheets (they bleach well)
2 large bowls (for placenta, urine, supplies, etc)
2 large baking sheets (used to organize midwife supplies and prepare a newborn warming station)
4 cotton hats for your baby
10 cotton flannel receiving blankets or baby towels for baby (to use at the time of birth)
Towels for you if you soak or shower and washcloths to use for cold or hot compresses. Consider white as it bleaches best - at least 10 of each
2 large & thick trash bags - one in trash can & one in laundry basket
Hand sanitizer & liquid hand soap at each sink we will use
Hydrogen peroxide- 16 oz bottle (to remove blood stains)
Bleach OR Oxyclean (to wash sheets, towels, etc)
Bleach or Lysol wipes
For you & baby:
Menstrual pads for heavy days OR adult diapers - 1 pack
Menstrual pads for light to moderate days
Flexible straws
Newborn diapers
Thermometers for mom & baby (please test before 36 weeks)
Consider making “padcicles”
Facial tissues
Lip moisturizer
Ibuprofen (200 mg each) and extra strength acetaminophen (500 mg each)
Herbs/homeopathies (optional):
Arnica 30 CH (for under your tongue)
Rescue Remedy
Herbal sitz bath with calendula
Salts (epsom salts or sea salts)
Witch hazel pads or bottle
Nipple & baby diaper ointment (or olive/coconut/other oil)
Mineral oil or almond oil or other oil for perineal massage/support