902 7th Street, Ste 101
Anacortes, WA 98221
Located INSIDE The Holding Space Birth & Wellness
Phone: (360) 298-8044
Fax: (216)930-5958
ONLINE Appointment booking is available for your convenience
Office hours are by appointment only
During construction of our birth center addition, only the front entrance will be available.
Please help yourself to tea or water while you wait for your appointment in any of our common areas.
Our office as seen form the corner of 7th and Q in Anacortes
“The land that surrounds us is a part of who we are; It reflects our histories.”
Anacortes Midwifery Care acknowledges, with humility, that it occupies the land that is the territory of the Samish Nation. Their presence is imbued in the waterways, shorelines, valleys, and mountains of the traditional homelands of the Coast Salish People, since before recorded history.
Find out what native land you inhabit here: https://native-land.ca/ and learn more about the tribal lands in our state here.
The eight tribes of the region, with links to websites and more information, are:
Tulalip Tribes: Government page — Health System — Services Directory
Additional information at the American Indian Health Commission for Washington State which can be found here, on the Washington tribes page here, and on the Health Care Authorities site here.