there are limitations to who should have a homebirth
This list is copied directly from the Washington State Legislature and states high-risk situations where homebirth is not covered by insurance companies:
Previous cesarean section
Current alcohol or drug addiction or abuse
Significant hematological disorders or coagulopathies
History of deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
Cardiovascular disease-causing functional impairment
Chronic hypertension
Significant endocrine disorders including preexisting diabetes (type I or type II)
Hepatic disorders including uncontrolled intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy or abnormal liver function tests
Isoimmunization, including evidence of Rh sensitization or platelet sensitization
Neurologic disorders or active seizure disorders
Pulmonary disease
Renal disease
Collagen-vascular diseases
Current severe psychiatric illness
Cancer affecting the female reproductive system
Multiple gestation
Breech presentation in labor with delivery not imminent; or
Other significant deviations from normal as assessed by the provider
-WAC 182-533-0600