Meaghan's Hospital Births

 I am a nurse at WhidbeyHealth in Labor and Delivery. I have wanted a baby as long as I remember. I had a lot of baby dolls growing up. When I witnessed my first birth during my OB rotation in nursing school, I cried. The mother was the strongest person (and absolutely alone from what I can remember) that I had ever seen and it was an absolute privilege to be a part of something so beautiful.

When I was pregnant with my first baby, a boy, I did all of the things. I took a hypnobirthing class. I ate as well as I could, limited my coffee intake (I worked nights, I needed some), slept on my side to promote adequate blood flow to my placenta which was the first home to my baby. My third trimester I was alone, my husband gone for training and I, with the invaluable help of my mom, brother in law and best friend, moved us into a brand new house, just for the new baby. My husband arrived back in town just in time. We were supposed to go in for an induction to insure my husband would be present for the birth but I ended up going into labor at 3 am at 40.1 weeks just hours after he had arrived back. I'll just say - some babies come out the same way they go in. I had back labor and let me tell you, that was rough. I had a fellow co-worker as my doula and my husband and mom and I was surrounded by my incredible team of nursing co-workers and Alicia Darr, my midwife. I labored in the tub, by the bed, needed double hip squeezes from my doula and husband. I had a baby playlist I had made just for the occasion, and a diffuser pumping calming lavender. I ended up getting an epidural which I do not regret in the slightest. My back felt like it was breaking and I knew the hip squeezes would tire out my support people. The epidural felt like coming out of a trance. I felt like I was human again. We laughed and flipped me like a pancake until I was ready to push. It was very busy that day on the unit and Alicia had gone to attend a C-section before I was complete and ready to push. I pushed for maybe 45 minutes, had a 2nd degree tear but then the love of my life, my son, Reilly was born and we both cried as I held him in my arms for the first time (he also pooped on me which I just laughed at).

My second pregnancy and birth seemed to blur as I'm sure is normal when you're also chasing around a toddler. We had a few little scary moments - a couple falls and a Valentine's mexican dinner gone wrong - stay away from beans when your military spouse is gone....needless to say I was on the toilet with my toddler giggling and running around as I was actively sick both ways. We were expecting a baby girl this time around which was a total shock to me. I, again, started to labor around 3am when I was 39.3 weeks, just a week after my son's birthday. It's funny because I had just been chasing my toddler at the farm stand the day before and then that day was his 2 year Pediatrician appointment. I was adamant about going to that appointment. So, I was contracting and laboring at the office - I figured it was just as good a place as any being filled with doctors and staff that could resuscitate my baby in the off chance that was needed. We eventually made our way into the hospital and I again labored in the tub and by the side of the bed- no back labor but intense low in my pelvis and again ended up getting an epidural. This time I was able to do hands and knees after getting relief from the epidural, started feeling pressure and the urge to push and I was complete and ready to push. I pushed for about 15 minutes this time, no tearing and met my beautiful daughter, Grace. She is amazing and was half a pound bigger than my son was when he was born. She is amazing and I am just completely in love with both of my children.

I cannot explain how thankful I am for everything Alicia has done for my family. Two beautiful, safe and lovely deliveries for my babies. I will always be grateful for her and her care. So, if anyone reads this, know that you will receive the absolute most compassionate care if Alicia Darr is your provider. And if you deliver at WhidbeyHealth in Coupeville, you will be cared for like you are one of our own.