The World Health Organization reports that “that mothers and other caregivers require active support for establishing and sustaining appropriate breastfeeding practices.” Whether breastfeeding comes easily for you or not, having a strong support system is absolutely key to helping you meet your nursing goals.

While your partner, family members and mom friends are there to cheer you on and pick you up when you’re feeling discouraged, no one is better prepared to help you with breastfeeding than an IBCLC, or International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. 

Breast Pumps

I have no affiliation with any specific breast pump. That said, everyone should own a Haaka. I recommend Medela based on my own personal experience, which was admittedly a long time ago, and because replacement parts are easy to come by. However, the new hands free pumps sound life changing…check out the Freemie and the Elvie.

Places to order your breast pump (which company you use and breast pump availability will depend on your insurance) are listed below. These companies allow you to input your insurance information, select your pump, then they fax me a prescription and mail your pump to your home.

Global Health Media Breastfeeding Videos

Breastfeeding in the First Hours

Positions for Breastfeeding

International Breastfeeding Center Information Sheets

Kelly Mom

Low Milk Supply

Low Milk Supply Foundation has some great information HERE.

You are not alone.
This is not your fault.
Your worth as a parent is not determined by the amount of milk you produce.”